


Restoration From Floods and Water Damage

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Water damage is one of the most common disasters that any home can face. Whether it be from a leaking roof, backed up plumbing, broken pipes, or any other form of a natural disaster, water damage can cause problems with flooring, walls, upholstery, and even the structural integrity of a home. Unfortunately once water damage occurs, you basically have only two options. You can either grab a bucket and start scooping out the water yourself, or you can hire a professional restoration company to come out and pump all of the water out as soon as possible.

There are many factors that affect the expediency of any restoration job. The type of water is one of the most important. Water quality is usually evaluated in three tiers of classification, clean water that will not cause illness or disease being the first. This water strictly damages by being where it shouldn't be, i.e, on your floors and walls. Most water will not stay this way for long, however, depending on where and how long it lingers. The second category is for water that can cause illness or disease, including water that may have been contaminated with urine and dishwasher or washing machine overflow. As with clean water, this condition can devolve if left untreated. Category three is water that can cause severe illness or death and includes water contaminated with feces, sewage, river runoff, and water with bacterial growth. This is obviously a very serious condition and though possible potentially anytime, can most often be seen after natural disasters like hurricanes and floods. Fortunately, most restoration companies work on an emergency 24-hour basis to assist in issues such as these.

Flooring can also be an issue with the severity of damage depending on whether it is a carpet or any other type of flooring that can get damaged easily with excess water issues. That it why it is a great idea to hire a restoration company that also works as a carpet cleaning company because they utilize most of the same equipment, however, a carpet cleaning company also carries the supplies with them that will deodorize and sanitize the carpet as well.

Floods or leaks are a major concern in any home, and should be taken very seriously. If left untreated, the damage can take a home from comfortable to unlivable. Mildew and mold spores that can grow make even breathing the air dangerous, and water damage can erode floors and walls to the point of collapse. If this level of damage were to accumulate, the costs, in time, effort, and money can increase exponentially over getting it dried, cleaned and restored immediately. Be sure to hire the right crew for the job and make sure that they are equipped with the right tools necessary to get the job done correctly.

Properly equipped companies utilize their truck mounted equipment to vacuum out all of the water and dirt and drain it out properly in a disposal facility. They also cut out all of the affected dry wall and even check the structural wood behind the walls to ensure that they are not rotten or damaged, replacing as necessary. Air movers, industrial driers, and dehumidifiers are used to get the moisture out of a space as quickly as possible.

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