


Preventing Fire Damage in your Office

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Many damage hazards in your office can be prevented easily if you pay attention to the details and prevent them beforehand. Preventing fire in the office is important and can save a lot of time and money as recovering burned files and data can be very expensive. Even if your budget does not allow you to hire a professional to fire-proof your office, there are still some simple routines and techniques that will allow you increase office safety. Preparedness is a key feature so it is recommended to learn all possible fire escape routes and how to activate the fire alarm, become familiar with stairway exits, and practice fire drills often.

Electrical Safety

Many of the office fires often start as a result of an electricity malfunction or misuse. Keeping your electrical system and maintaining them to provide maximum safety is an important step in preventing office fires. Do not overload electricity outlets. Simply make sure you have a sufficient number of outlets. By having a sufficient number of power outlets, you will also minimize the use if extension cords and reduce the chance for fire. If you must use an extension cord, never run it across walkways. Is it very unsafe to use poor quality, non-approved office appliances such as coffee makers, copiers, and even computers as defective appliances have a bigger chance of causing electrical shorts


Gas is very dangerous as it can be easily ignited. If you smell gas or even just suspect a gas leak call a gas technician to investigate. Other flammable materials are also a hazard and should not be stored in the office. However, if you must store them in your office, be sure to seal them properly to prevent vaporizing.

Fire Safety

Purchase and maintain fire defenses such as: smoke detectors, sprinkler systems, and fire extinguishers. Smoke detectors are an important line of defense, install and maintain them frequently. Be sure to test detectors and replace batteries as required. It is recommended to install sprinklers to fight fire immediately as it starts. For smaller offices, extinguishers are another important tool for fire fighting. Purchase and maintain a sufficient number of extinguishers and make sure that everybody who works in your office knows where the extinguishers are installed and how to operate them.

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