


The Role Of Social Media For Modern Business

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Any business owner who honestly believes that social media plays no part in their overall business plan is fooling him or herself, and will in all likelihood not be a business owner indefinitely. For better or worse, the Internet has become a primary tool in advertising and promoting businesses from huge, multi-national corporations to non-profits to small mom & pop restaurants and bars. Even small scale representatives of products such as Avon and Amway, once a door-to-door business, have gone online with their wares in an effort to hit a larger, and hopefully, more receptive audience.

Establishing and building an audience on social networks such as Facebook and YouTube is a critical part of any modern business plan and those who eschew these avenues do so at their own peril. Though this trend has in many places virtually decimated the budgets of traditional print media, it is a trend that shows no sign of slowing anytime soon.
For businesses catering to a younger customer base the importance of social media is particularly critical. Many 30-somethings indicated in study after study that they gleam most of their news, both national and local, from online sources rather than traditional print media or even television.

One recent study shows that about 50 percent of all adults nationwide have watched at least one YouTube video and about 30 percent regularly join and partake of information offered by social networking sites. A slightly lower number regularly log into a new group site.

If you're considering establishing a social media network for your business, it's a good idea to figure out just who your target audience is. Are you trying to reach younger users, or focus more on a more mature audience? Your answers will, to some degree at least, dictate which sites you use to promote your business. 

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