


Water Damage Comes in a Lovely Variety of Colors!

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The term water damage usually conjures images of massive floods capable of wiping out entire cities. While these types of incidents do happen causing cars to float over homes, requiring people to be airlifted off of their roof's, and coming back to a home that has been under water for a week, it is far from the only cause of water damage. Some forms of damage can be caused by a simple drip or two that occurs over a span of several years. This kind of damage is capable of causing unsafe living conditions like a weakened roof or rotting floor. The damage can also affect furniture and other personal belongings as well as speeding the growth of deadly mold spores! Some situations are unavoidable, but paying special attention to rooms containing a lot of water can save tons of future grief.

The kitchen is one major hot spot for water damage, usually containing anywhere from 2 to 3 water intensive appliances. Checking the water connection hoses on your dishwasher and ice maker periodically is good routine maintenance to include in your spring cleaning. Check the floor around the dishwasher as well as nearby cabinets for signs of water leaks. When it comes to your sink, if the caulking is starting to dry and crack, it's probably time to re-do it. The piping underneath the sink is also prone to water leaks, though this may require a certified plumber to take care of.

The bathroom is usually the next place to expect indoor water damage to occur. Cutting back on the hot showers will diminish the possibility of mold growth over time, and will also save tons of money on your energy bill! Be sure to check the caulking around the tub or shower as well as the sink. If you notice soft spots in your floor, you may have a leak underneath the tub which can cause a whole slew of problems as well. Be careful when cleaning the toilet if you use chlorine tablets. These can erode plastic and rubber inside of the pipes and cause major leaks to occur.

The basement or laundry room is another room that should be checked periodically. The hoses should be replaced every 3-5 years, especially if you notice any fraying or leaking occurring. You will also want to try and leave at least 4 inches between the water connection and the back of the washing machine to avoid kinks in the hose. The hot water tank should be checked often as well. The tank should be located on the lowest level of the home. Rust is an excellent indicator of a leak as well as wet spots on the floor.

If you notice that you have a leak in your pipes or hot water tank, be sure to turn off the water immediately. This will not be a permanent fix, but it can help to buy you time while you fix the problem. Not to mention it will help to cut back on water usage and prevent the growth of mold. Mold odors are another good sign of a problem, though this will most likely require mold cleanup on top of the water damage control. If you are able to fix the problem on your own then great, but if you realize that you are in over your head (hopefully not literally) then please do not be afraid to contact a professional for help!

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