


Mold Remediation for Residential Properties

Mold in your home is never a good thing. Not only is it an eyesore, but it can have health risks as well. And getting rid of it is not always easy to do without calling in a professional. Thankfully, there are services available to us that specialize in this field. Mold remediation - as it is termed - is sometimes necessary for your residential property. Here are some facts about mold and why you might want to think about expediting the removal process:

How It Starts. Moisture can allow mold to grow, as well as food. If the right amount of moisture is present - as well as ideal temperatures - mold can begin to show itself within 48 hours. If you have had a flood in your home, be sure to check immediately after everything is cleaned up and the water is gone.

How It Looks. Many of us think of mold as always white, as it can appear on cheese or other foods. But if there is a moisture build up in your bathroom - usually in the shower area - mold starts out black. It can even show up as red on your shower liner.

Where to Look. Other than the bathroom and food as mentioned above, mold can appear on other places as well, with some of them seeming unlikely. Check your basement if it has a tendency to become damp, especially during humid summer months. Check crawl spaces, your humidifier, and any other area that does not have good ventilation.

Health Concerns. Fortunately, may people aren't affected by small amounts of mold. However, people who have pre-existing respiratory problems - asthma, etc. - can be very sensitive to its presence, and can cause breathing problems. Elderly people can be especially susceptible to the effects of growing mold.

Prevention. Since moisture presents an environment that can breed mold growth, do your best to keep moisture out. Dehumidifiers can play a big role in prevention, and are especially effective in the basement during the summer. Be sure to check them daily and remove the water when necessary. If you have a leak anywhere in the house, fix it as soon as you notice it. And make sure there is proper ventilation in any area of the house that is cramped - the laundry room (wherever the dryer is) needs proper ventilation as well.

The bottom line is that mold just isn't conducive to a healthy way of living in your home. If you can start good habits of prevention, you may never need remediation. But if the situation has already started to build, the experts can remove it and walk you through practical ways of prevention that are specific to you and your home.

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If you think you might have a mold problem, call SERVPRO of Fairfield to schedule an inspection or mold removal. In some situations an indoor air quality professional will be required to create a restoration plan for your home. SERVPRO is experienced at carrying out the assigned mold remediation plan and working to make it "Like it Never Even Happened."
(707) 207-0122
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Mold Remediation - A Big Word For a Big Problem

Have you been noticing an odd smell in your home environment on a regular basis? Is it constantly on the damp side in certain areas of your business? Does someone in your family only sneeze and cough when they are inside your home? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have a serious problem. The key to effectively eliminating it is through mold remediation.

There are two food sources that these sometimes-deadly spores love most - oxygen and moisture. They gorge themselves on both until they have taken over your home environment. They can grow on almost anything such as carpet, food, wood, and even paper products.

You may be wondering just what causes the moisture. Well, out-of-control humidity, construction code changes over the years, and even building materials, which have changed, and unnoticed leaks are some of the culprits that allow this uninvited guest to take up residence. But, don't panic!

A reputable mold remediation company will have special testing and removal procedures, which will effectively solve your problem. Highly skilled technicians have been trained to contain the unwanted spores and follow-up with a proven and effective sanitizing process. Applying a substance, which will essentially hinder future growth, will complete the procedure.

Let's look at some ways spore growth can be prevented.

1. Have a plumber thoroughly check your house inside and out and repair any leaky areas ASAP.

2. Keep an eye out for condensation on any surface and control the humidity level with a de-humidifier. Insulate areas that are prone to high moisture content.

3. Add vents or regularly clean existing ones in your home's crawl space.

4. Check your HVAC unit drip pan and clean it, if necessary.

5. Your dryer can produce moisture and should be vented to the outside of your home.

6. At least twice a year, have a trained HVAC technician inspect and maintain your unit.

7. If you notice any moisture or wet spots anywhere, clean them up immediately.

8. Check the foundation of your home and, if possible, provide run off areas so moisture doesn't find a place to live.

Some spores are very sneaky and enjoy hiding out, and it is extremely dangerous when they are discovered. For example, wallpaper removal can open up a huge release of spores and must be handled in a professional manner by using a mold remediation specialist.

A few other favorite hiding spots are the reverse side of carpets, ceiling tiles, and panels. The bad thing is that most of the time when you smell the foul odor, but you can't see the cause, that's when spores are playing hide and seek.

Unfortunately, they are often discovered after many unsuccessful trips to the doctor to find out why you have uncontrollable allergies.

Unchecked mold growth can have many negative side effects both to your health and to the contamination your home or business will endure. It's definitely not something you want to ignore.

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Fire Restoration and Water Restoration - Seek Professional Help for Best Results

Fire damage and water damage are the two most common types of property damage occurring in the U.S. In fact, it is estimated that almost 20,000 people are killed or injured in various fire accidents across the country. This can only mean that there is extensive property damage as well. As for water damage, it is estimated that almost 20% of property insurance claims are related to costs incurred in water restoration.
However, a professional fire restoration service or a professional water restoration can do a great job of bringing back your home to its pre-accident state. Here is a brief summary of what a professional fire restoration or water restoration contractor will be able to do for your property.
Professional fire restoration services
  • The contractor will first analyze the type of fire that has occurred in your property. This can be identified by the type of smoke that has been generated. Fire damage and smoke damage go hand in hand and only a contractor will know how to treat smoke damage of various kinds. Smoke can penetrate porous materials such as ceilings, walls and other materials and can stay for several months unless they are treated by a fire restoration company.

  • The fire and water restoration contractor will also decide what can be salvaged and what will have to be discarded. Scorched furniture or singed carpets can probably be restored with various chemicals.

  • A good fire restoration service will also treat your property for damage caused by an extinguisher such as a foam extinguisher. If water was used to put out the fire, water restoration will also be carried out accordingly.
Professional restoration of water damage
  • There are many different types of water damage and they are usually classified as Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 and Class 4. A contractor will analyze the extent of damage and take steps accordingly.

  • Professional restoration services will give you the best chance to recover from water damage as they will have a lot of manpower and all the heavy equipment that will help with a speedy recovery. For example, they will have many dehumidifiers, water pumps, dryers and portable pumps that will be used collectively to get the water out as soon as possible. When it comes to water damage, the best recovery is possible only when the restoration work is carried out immediately after the damage has occurred. Restoration contractors and their teams work around the clock and will be at your property in no time once you give them a call.

  • The restoration company will also solve any mold problems that might arise out of water damage.

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Professional Mold Testing and Cleanup Services

Studies have indicated that there are over 100,000 varieties of mold that can affect a house and the people who live in it. Mold is detrimental to both property and the people living in the property. It can result in rotting away of organic construction material such as walls and ceilings and it can also make people sick by causing various respiratory diseases and other infections.

Thus, mold damage removal or a professional mold cleanup is very important. However, before a mold removal is carried out, the property will first have to be analyzed with mold testing that will determine the extent of mold damage and the type of mold damage.

Only professional mold testing and mold removal contractors will have the right equipment to carry out proper mold spore testing. First, they will conduct a walk through in your property. Mold damage removal contractors usually have a lot of years of experience and they will know exactly where to look for potential mold problems. Common areas that come under attack in a house are ceilings, walls, wall papers and spaces close to wet areas such as sinks or bathtubs. Mold detection can be a little tricky because it can grow in concealed spaces as well. For example, it can grow profusely in the spaces between the walls and an untrained eye could easily miss this mold infestation.

Coming back to mold testing, the contractor will follow up the visual inspection or walk through with an airborne mold checker which will require specialized equipment. Every house will usually have a certain level of mold in the air although it will become a problem once it starts to exceed a certain level. If the airborne tests come up positively, the contractor will further analyze your property to look for areas that will require mold cleanup.

Once the testing has been done, the mold contractor will take up the removal process. He may use chemicals to clean up your property although he may also remove construction material from your home if the mold damage is heavy. It is recommended that you only let a professional contractor carry out the cleanup process as they will know exactly what they are doing. If you were to carry out the cleanup on your own, you run the risk of not cleaning up some areas in your home that will continue to breed mold. Self restoration and cleanup efforts are also potentially risky as mold can easily affect a person's health if they do not know how to handle mold or if they do not use protective clothing.

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Professional Fire Damage Restoration

A house fire is an incident that everybody hopes to never experience. But the hard truth is a house fire is something that a lot of people have to deal with regularly. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), house fire is one of the most common residential hazards in the United States. Aside from the shocking experience that homeowners may encounter, there is also the challenge of picking up the pieces and trying to salvage and restore large and important items such as clothes, draperies, furniture and carpets.

Fire Damage Restoration is Important

Fire damage restoration is a task that a homeowner should take seriously. The more practical and logical step for homeowners is to contact trained professionals that specialize in restoring houses damaged by fire. A lot of times, homeowners try to save their budget by cleaning and restoring household materials by themselves, only to discover that in the end, they just wasted a great deal of time and effort.

Fire damage restoration is not an easy task, especially when the house to be treated has serious smoke damage. One of the first tasks is the proper removal of smoke and soot from the house. Soot is the common term for impure airborne particles produced by burning or combustion. It is considered a general health hazard, most especially to the respiratory system. The soot can be removed from the house by using a heavy-duty or industrial vacuum cleaner. It should be removed immediately before any deodorizing process. Appropriate ventilation throughout the house is also needed, so it is important keep windows, doors, and vents open.

Deodorizing Eliminates Smoke Odors

Proper deodorizing of fabrics such as clothes, draperies, furniture and most especially carpets is very important to get rid of the smoke odor completely. Smoke odors can linger in fabrics for a long time if not properly deodorized. A thorough deodorizing process may require the use of strong chemicals that target smoke molecules to neutralize the odors. Fire damage restoration professionals often use an industrial grade ozone generator to eliminate the soot, smoke, and odor more effectively.

Thermal Fogging as the Last Resort

Aside from eliminating soot and odors from fabrics, there may still be fire damage underneath the walls. If the case is more serious, fire damage restoration specialists usually resort to a thermal fogging process using a machine that eliminates smoke odors trapped inside the walls.

Aside from carpets and walls, there are also other parts of the house that need to be assessed by professionals in order to ensure appropriate cleaning and restoration. Ducts, vents, and attic insulation may need replacement. A thorough inspection by a fire damage professional will give homeowners a clear picture of the things that can be salvaged and the things that need to be replaced.

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Water Damage Comes in a Lovely Variety of Colors!

The term water damage usually conjures images of massive floods capable of wiping out entire cities. While these types of incidents do happen causing cars to float over homes, requiring people to be airlifted off of their roof's, and coming back to a home that has been under water for a week, it is far from the only cause of water damage. Some forms of damage can be caused by a simple drip or two that occurs over a span of several years. This kind of damage is capable of causing unsafe living conditions like a weakened roof or rotting floor. The damage can also affect furniture and other personal belongings as well as speeding the growth of deadly mold spores! Some situations are unavoidable, but paying special attention to rooms containing a lot of water can save tons of future grief.

The kitchen is one major hot spot for water damage, usually containing anywhere from 2 to 3 water intensive appliances. Checking the water connection hoses on your dishwasher and ice maker periodically is good routine maintenance to include in your spring cleaning. Check the floor around the dishwasher as well as nearby cabinets for signs of water leaks. When it comes to your sink, if the caulking is starting to dry and crack, it's probably time to re-do it. The piping underneath the sink is also prone to water leaks, though this may require a certified plumber to take care of.

The bathroom is usually the next place to expect indoor water damage to occur. Cutting back on the hot showers will diminish the possibility of mold growth over time, and will also save tons of money on your energy bill! Be sure to check the caulking around the tub or shower as well as the sink. If you notice soft spots in your floor, you may have a leak underneath the tub which can cause a whole slew of problems as well. Be careful when cleaning the toilet if you use chlorine tablets. These can erode plastic and rubber inside of the pipes and cause major leaks to occur.

The basement or laundry room is another room that should be checked periodically. The hoses should be replaced every 3-5 years, especially if you notice any fraying or leaking occurring. You will also want to try and leave at least 4 inches between the water connection and the back of the washing machine to avoid kinks in the hose. The hot water tank should be checked often as well. The tank should be located on the lowest level of the home. Rust is an excellent indicator of a leak as well as wet spots on the floor.

If you notice that you have a leak in your pipes or hot water tank, be sure to turn off the water immediately. This will not be a permanent fix, but it can help to buy you time while you fix the problem. Not to mention it will help to cut back on water usage and prevent the growth of mold. Mold odors are another good sign of a problem, though this will most likely require mold cleanup on top of the water damage control. If you are able to fix the problem on your own then great, but if you realize that you are in over your head (hopefully not literally) then please do not be afraid to contact a professional for help!

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Mold Remediation at the Office

Owning a business is not as easy as it might look from the outside. From the outside you probably do not hear all of the complaints about problems at the office. If you are the manager or business owner then you may hear many complaints.

Sometimes it probably gets tiresome, but sometimes you should be thankful for ultra-sensitive individuals because sometime it could save you a lot of money. If an employee is complaining of health problems that occur only at the office then this should be a red light to you that you need to get someone in to inspect the area. There could be an issue with mold that is causing the health problems, and your business might require mold remediation.

If you have an inspection at your business and a problem like this is found then you should move your employees out of that area. If that is not possible, close down the office until the problem is fixed. Be sure and ask the mold remediation expert if the problem requires your employees to evacuate for their health.

There are different occurrences that can cause mold to grow at your business. If you noticed a leak at some point, then that might be an area that could start a problem. If you ever heard an animal in the wall, then your problem could be that the animal died and created moisture in the walls as it decayed. A leak under a bathroom sink or around a toilet that goes unnoticed in the public restroom could seep into the wall, causing mold to grow.

A musty smell can also be a sign that there is growth somewhere. If you have noticed any of these issues, mention them to the mold remediation experts when they come. If you have noticed some of these issues, but have not yet had anyone complain of health problems then you would be wise to call an experienced professional first.

If you are unsure who to call for mold remediation, you can start by searching online. Find a few options, look at their websites, and see what ones offer options that seem like they will work for you. Call each and find out their pricing as well as to see if they will do a free inspection and quote for you. Make sure that they are licensed and insured and that they have some experience behind them.

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Water Damage Restoration 2 of 2 - Servpro Of Fairfield

Tom further demonstrates the process water damage restoration. See more at
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Servpro Of Fairfield

Tom talks about the objectives of Servpro of Fairfield. A leading fire, water and smoke damage restoration company. See more at
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Water Damage Restoration 1 or 2 - Servpro Of Fairfield

Tom with Servpro Of Fairfield shows the process of water extraction in typically home setting. See more at
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