


Seven Places Fires Lurk During the Holiday Season

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Every year, hundreds of families start into the holiday season looking forward to good food and happy times with family only to experience the loss of a fire. Many families affected by holiday fires are not aware that fire statistics increase over the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. The US Fire Administration reports that "each year fires occurring during the holiday season claim the lives of over 400 Americans, injure 1,650 more, and cause over $990 million in damage."
With the increase of fire incidents over the holidays, these seven reasons are the most common culprits for fire
1. Candles. Many people enjoy the atmosphere and scent of candles around the holiday seasons. While the beauty provides a good ambiance and decoration during Thanksgiving and Christmas, flameless candles can give you safety and decoration without the hazards of open flames around children and surrounding materials.
2. Lights. Holiday lights can easily overheat and become a fire hazard during the holiday season. From Christmas trees to outside decorations, lights are popular with everyone; however, danger starts when lights are left unattended, displayed in large quantities, or attached to flammable materials.
3. Christmas Tree. Every year, people decorate Christmas trees and leave them surrounded with hot lights and paper wrapped presents on a carpeted surface. Combined with ill watering practices, Christmas trees become brittle and resemble match sticks waiting for the right spark.
4. Fireplaces. Although fireplaces provide warmth and the perfect backdrop for holiday activities, fireplaces left unattended can spew hot coals onto nearby rugs and packages. Carefully tending and extinguishing fireplaces will decrease the possibility of related fires.
5. Wall Plugs and Sockets. While connecting lights and displays, it is easy to overload wall plugs and sockets with currents struggling to support the flow of electricity. By distributing plugs and installing surge protector, home and residential fires are less likely due to electrical reasons.
6. Cooking and Baking. Conservative estimates note that cooking is the number one reason for fires during the holiday season. Without doubt, it is easy to get caught up entertaining while food is cooking. Cooking ahead of time frees everyone to socialize and slowly warm food to reduce fire hazards.
7. Fire Alarms. Managing these common pressure points for fire during the holidays are important, but even the best plans need a good backup. Nothing replaces a good fire safety system that has been properly installed and consistently tested are the key to saving lives. "After all, it is estimated that 23% of home fire deaths occurred in residences with fire alarms that did not sound," notes fire alarm and safety expert Larry Dolin, President of American Security Systems.
Some easy fire prevention precautions coupled with good sense during the holiday season, the memories will be filled with food, family, and friends.

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