


When Is The Best Time To Have Your Carpets Cleaned By A Professional?

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You won't notice it immediately, but as years pass it becomes obvious that your carpet doesn't appear as bright and fresh as it did the day you had it installed. Over time regular wear and tear, coupled with accidents and various over the counter cleaners, will affect the pile and overall appearance. When standard vacuuming won't do the trick to restore your rugs to their former glory, you may wish to look into the services of a professional cleaner to handle the job.

Is there a right time to have your carpets cleaning with professional, truckmounted water extraction? A licensed cleaner may tell you that there is never a wrong time, but if you need an occasion or situation to encourage you to make that call, there are good reasons to look into this service:

Moving: Whether you rent or own, if you intend to move it's a good idea to have a pro go over your carpets once you have the furniture removed. It may surprise you to discover how much soil and grime is embedded, and how the color in the pile returns after everything is washed and dried. You can practically leave your home as clean as the day you claimed it.

New Baby: If you have added to your family recently, or are expecting a new arrival, you may think about carpet cleaning only after the little one has made a mess or two. Actually, it's a good idea to schedule a cleaning before you bring baby home. A thorough shampoo and extraction helps remove bacteria in your home and disinfect the rooms. For a baby immune to germs, this is a good illness prevention measure.

Renovation: Redecorating? Buying new furniture? Take advantage of the moving to get your carpets cleaned. With the space available, it provides less work for a cleaner to perform, and you can start living anew after a major makeover.

New Pets: If you have welcomed a four-footed companion to your home, it's a good idea to give your carpets not only a good cleaning but protection and sealant. This helps upkeep for your rooms so when accidents happen, they won't damage your carpets too much.

Once a year or every six months, depending on traffic through your home, is a good schedule to keep for cleaning and deodorizing. Because rugs and carpets absorb much of the daily dirt coming into your house, you want to make sure they remain as clean as possible to prevent illness.

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