



"Insurance Agents can save their commercial clients significant headaches, while saving their companies money on claims simply have ensuring their clients have an emergency plan in place.  Don't believe me?  

Go to to read more.

Having an emergency plan minimizes the damage when an insurance loss occurs, thus increasing bonus possibilities at year's end.  Send your insureds to where in one day, they can get this priceless plan."
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"This article boils it down..... $1.00 spent with a LOCAL vendor, creates and additional $.68 in the local economy. So - If I spend $100.00 at I-80 Philly Cheesesteak in Fairfield for example, I am EFFECTIVELY spending $168.00 in the local community.

What does this mean for Solano County? BUY LOCAL and stimulate our local economy. Buying local creates and sustains local employment, civic programs (through local tax revenue) and sustains our economy. Servpro of Fairfield supports our local economy and non profits."

Explaining the local economic multiplier effect or "local premium" is an essential component of effective "buy local" public education campaigns.

The multiplier effect is the boost to your local economy that results from locally-owned independent businesses, owners, and employees spending business revenue within the region. Typically, local independent businesses recirculate a much greater percentage of sales locally compared to absentee-owned businesses (or most locally-owned franchises*).

Total economic impact is determined by measuring three components -- the direct, indirect, and induced impacts.
  • Direct impact is spending done by a business in the local economy to operate the business, including inventory, utilities, equipment and pay to employees. 
  • Indirect impact refers to the conventional multiplier that happens as dollars the local business spends at other area businesses re-circulate. 
  • Induced impact refers to the additional consumer spending that happens as employees, business owners and others spend their income in the local economy. go to article 
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Understanding Water Damage Restoration

Water damage restoration can be one of the most painful tasks one has to do. There are so many issues that one has to consider when taking up this responsibility especially if you want a really good job done on your restoration. Water damage can happen for any number of reasons - it can be from seepage that has gone unnoticed, from leaky pipes in a weak foundation or it could also be because of structural damage that has resulted in your pipes bursting completely. It could also be from external causes such as flooded for nearby lakes or rivers.

No matter what the reasons are, the steps to water damage restoration are expensive and need to be handled in the right manner. Professionals will look into the extent that water has infiltrated and all the areas in which the home has been affected. One will also have to look into the kind of water that has gotten into the home. Cleaning it up and restoration depends a lot on this information. Water can vary from underground pipes, to sewers to water from a lake or river and each has to be treated differently.

The initial steps remain the same across all kinds of waters - identifying the places of water logging and then removing all the water from there. All things that have been affected by the water will have to be removed from the area. This includes everything on the walls, floors as well as ceiling. As soon as the professionals get all of this out of the way, their mopping will be much more effective. You will find a number of submersible pumps being used to remove excess water. Commercial vacuums are used to remove water from carpets as well as padding. This is the first step in drying up as well as dehumidifying things.

Once all the water has been removed, the next step is drying up the place. High velocity fans will need to be brought into the scene, again this will depend on the area that needs drying. They will be run for several days to dry up the space. Professionals will also use heavy duty dehumidifiers to get the internal atmosphere of the house back to its original state. This is also to prevent the formation of mold. Sometimes, additional fans are also brought in.

While this is going on, professionals will look over all pieces of furniture minutely. Everything will be taken apart, cleaned and dried. Furniture that has been standing in water is wiped down and then dried and cleaned multiple times. Any repair is also done while the piece is being put back together. All carpets will have to go to carpet restoration specialists who will be able to deal with it well.

Water Damage Services in New York provides the water damage services in new york city including water damage restoration repair. Just check our website and get a free New Jersey Water Damages estimate now. We have the latest equipments for water damage restoration.
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SERVPRO® Storm Team Commercial

As hurricanes and major storms roll out, watch SERVPRO's Storm Teams roll in. When things that matter most are on the line, make sure SERVPRO® is too. SERVPRO® is faster to any size disaster.
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Mold Remediation - Why You Need to Hire a Professional Mold Remediation Service

Homeowners can often take a problem such as a mold infestation for granted. There is a common misconception that if you cannot see a problem then it does not exist. Mold tends to grow in walls and behind sinks. These are areas you cannot see or rarely ever look at. By the time it becomes visible, there is probably an already substantial amount in your home and it grows quickly. Mold remediation is not something that homeowners should do on their own. It is a skill that takes years to master and should only be attempted by a professional. Disturbing mold can cause it to reproduce faster in some cases and it also presents several health problems that should be left to experienced experts.

Each and every homeowner should hire a mold remediation specialist to inspect their homes once a year to see an infestation is starting. The convenient thing about this kind of an inspection is that it can be very easy for the contractor to show the homeowner where the infestation is and how far it has spread. It takes a trained expert to know where to look in a home for potential signs of an infestation. It also takes a trained expert to know how to prepare for exposure to the substance and how to handle it without the situation getting out of control. A homeowner with no experience could make the situation worse if he tries to deal with it on his own.

Mold remediation requires very specific methods to make sure that all of the substance is removed and that there is no sign of it left behind. If any is left behind, it will grow into another infestation. In some cases, portions of the wall frames or drywall in the home may need to be replaced. The professional will be able to discern what needs to be done to make the home safe for habitation again. If the infestation is allowed to get out of control, it could take over a large portion of the house and then that would be a much larger issue.

When you use a professional mold remediation service, you are assured of getting the right kind of service for this very serious matter. This is something that you want a trained professional taking care to ensure the safety of your family and your home. Get an annual inspection and try to prevent water from leaking into your home.

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The Best Way To Purchase Gluten Free Cookies In Your Cookie Jar (Caren Billy)

Something most of us have been hearing more and more about on the news, from doctors, and from family and friends, is the need for a gluten-free lifestyle. Gluten, a protein complex present in wheat, barley, and rye, is found to be the main cause of sickness for those diagnosed with Celiac disease. Eating gluten free takes a little effort on anyone's part, but it's a crucial part of life for different reasons for different people. Regardless how any of us change our diets, we all want the capability to eat foods that we find comforting, and that primarily holds true when it comes to sweets. High quality gluten free cookies can be hard to locate and often, online retailers are a great way to save time and money.

Going the gluten free way most likely is not done by choice, or it may be a vital, life changing decision. The symptoms of gluten intolerance, attributable to an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine, have been found to be relieved only when gluten is removed from the diet. Lately, the number of people with Celiac disease is growing larger, and these people have been told that keeping gluten out of their food and their home will help.

Finding gluten free foods in most local grocery stores is challenging. White and brown rice, potatoes and tapioca are just some of the many grains and vegetables that can be utilized as a substitute for wheat flour. Every type of flour has different tastes, characteristics, uses and nutritional content, and successful gluten free foods will often use a variety of flours to create a great tasting well-textured product.

Many people love baked goods, and some people will find that baking gluten free goods that taste good will take some trial and error. Gluten is a protein that can help baked goods to hold their shape. When selecting gluten free cookies and other baked goods, it's important to find a product that doesn't crumble and has a really good, smooth texture.

It can be hard for most people to find a variety of, or even any gluten free foods in their local supermarket. There's a lot of online websites where these items can be found in abundance and at low prices. You can find merchants that can be found online that supply many varieties of cakes, cookies, breads and much more that are gluten free.

Finding pleasurable, gluten free foods can be a difficult and even depressing venture, especially for someone with a number of dietary restrictions. Finding baked goods that aren't just gluten free, but also dairy and nut free is often a challenging, but well rewarding feat. Companies that offer foods for those with multiple needs can oftentimes be highly trusted to avoid cross-contamination. If you've got an illness that makes it necessary that you forgo any gluten, you can trust that a company that specializes in selling gluten free products is knowledgeable with the foods they sell.

Baking gluten free cookies, muffins and other delicious goods is a difficult skill to master and cannot be done by just anyone. Finding a retailer who knows about the wide array of gluten free flours available and how each one affects foods differently can make a huge difference on the quality of their products. Finding a wide variety of gluten free foods can be difficult, unless you've found a good seller, local or online.

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SERVPRO® Warehouse Fire Commercial

A commercial building fire burning out of control is handled as SERVPRO's cleanup is on the way. When things that matter most are on the line, make sure SERVPRO® is too. SERVPRO® is faster to any size disaster.
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Professional Fire Damage Restoration

A house fire is an incident that everybody hopes to never experience. But the hard truth is a house fire is something that a lot of people have to deal with regularly. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), house fire is one of the most common residential hazards in the United States. Aside from the shocking experience that homeowners may encounter, there is also the challenge of picking up the pieces and trying to salvage and restore large and important items such as clothes, draperies, furniture and carpets.

Fire Damage Restoration is Important

Fire damage restoration is a task that a homeowner should take seriously. The more practical and
logical step for homeowners is to contact trained professionals that specialize in restoring houses
damaged by fire. A lot of times, homeowners try to save their budget by cleaning and restoring household materials by themselves, only to discover that in the end, they just wasted a great deal of time and effort.

Fire damage restoration is not an easy task, especially when the house to be treated has serious smoke damage. One of the first tasks is the proper removal of smoke and soot from the house. Soot is the common term for impure airborne particles produced by burning or combustion. It is considered a general health hazard, most especially to the respiratory system. The soot can be removed from the house by using a heavy-duty or industrial vacuum cleaner. It should be removed immediately before any deodorizing process. Appropriate ventilation throughout the house is also needed, so it is important keep windows, doors, and vents open.

Deodorizing Eliminates Smoke Odors

Proper deodorizing of fabrics such as clothes, draperies, furniture and most especially carpets is very important to get rid of the smoke odor completely. Smoke odors can linger in fabrics for a long time if not properly deodorized. A thorough deodorizing process may require the use of strong chemicals that target smoke molecules to neutralize the odors. Fire damage restoration professionals often use an industrial grade ozone generator to eliminate the soot, smoke, and odor more effectively.

Thermal Fogging as the Last Resort

Aside from eliminating soot and odors from fabrics, there may still be fire damage underneath the
walls. If the case is more serious, fire damage restoration specialists usually resort to a thermal fogging process using a machine that eliminates smoke odors trapped inside the walls.

Aside from carpets and walls, there are also other parts of the house that need to be assessed by professionals in order to ensure appropriate cleaning and restoration. Ducts, vents, and attic insulation may need replacement. A thorough inspection by a fire damage professional will give homeowners a clear picture of the things that can be salvaged and the things that need to be replaced.

For more information, visit and find more ways to keep your home free from mold and damage and hazards that might prove dangerous to your home and to your health.
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SERVPRO® House Flood

A pipe burst can flood a home and appear to ruin everything. You can be ruined or you can be ready. When things that matter most are on the line, make sure SERVPRO® is too. SERVPRO® will help make it "Like it never even happened."
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Use A Specialist To Repair Water Damage

A natural disaster like a flood can cause massive amounts of water damage to all kinds of properties. If your house has recently fallen victim to flooding, it's wise to contact a professional clean team to assist you in restoring your property to a livable condition. These individuals can take care of all the details when it comes to restoring your belongings and building while you focus on more important matters.

When water damage occurs, whether a flood or a burst pipe causes it, there can be lingering effects that are unseen to an untrained eye. Even though you might be able to get all the water out without the help of a professional, you should still enlist their services to make sure that nothing gets overlooked. These professionals know where to look for common problems left behind after flooding. They will check any electrical wiring that might have been affected as well as search for any signs of harmful substances that might be lingering.

Mold is one of the most common substances to be found following a flood. If left unattended to, mold can begin to affect the health of anyone occupying the property, especially young children and older adults. To eliminate any chance of mold growth, turn to a professional cleaning crew. They will rid your property of the substance and put in effective measure to prevent it from growing back.

Following an extensive clean up, the water damage cleaning company you hire will also be able to handle any insurance claims. Insurance companies will want to know exactly what was damaged during flooding and will require a verified list of items in order to provide the correct amount of compensation. By using the services of a cleaning crew right away, you can have them put together an accurate list to hand over to the insurance company so that you get all the money you need to properly repair or replace any of the goods that could not be salvaged.

When your house suffers water damage it's important to be patient with the cleanup process. Rushing through and not properly taking care of the issue can cause more problems down the road. This is especially true if flooding occurred in the basement. Making sure you have a professional team check the foundation can prevent you from spending thousands of dollars later to fix problems with your property's structure that were initially overlooked.

Be smart after a flood and let a reliable cleanup crew get your property back in order. It can save you money and further headaches later on, as well as ensure your home is safe to live in once again.

In order to recover from a disaster that leaves water damage, Portland, OR, residents turn to the professional staff at Master Builders & Restoration, Inc. for help. Find out more about the many ways that they can help you regain control of your life and visit
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Hire Professional Mold Remediation Service Provider

Mold or mould is a type of fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae. They are grown on a number of surfaces and products including food items, and even home or office buildings. Mold grown in the building or at your home can harm the integrity of the building structure, and at the same time can lead to serious health issues.

On the other hand, mold remediation is a process of removing this mold from a house or building. However, the process is not as easy as it seems and one should hire a professional and trained mold remediation service provider to deal with such issues. Mold generally grows in and around the areas containing moisture. If you happen to come across the mold grown in your home in places such as between walls or in the areas that are inaccessible, it is important for you to contact a professional for the assessment.

It is most likely that most of us has seen mold grown in the areas of bathroom where tiles haven't been cleaned for a long time, but mold can be found in many different places as well such as wet or damp clothes that have been left for several days where they can't dry. Besides, other areas include the basements, areas containing leakage pipes or pipe burst, etc. Even flood can cause the mold to grow. Building over damp concrete can also cause mold to thrive.

As said mold mainly grows in the damp and wet areas; however, if unchecked then it can proliferate and can cause various health problems such as allergic reactions and respiratory problems. It can also lead to itchy throat and eyes, sneezing, and coughing, and can affect both humans and pets. Some molds also produce mycotoxins, which can pose serious health risks. Some studies claim that exposure to high levels of such mold can lead to neurological problems and in some cases death.

Besides, molds can also grow in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC systems). If it affects these HVAC systems, then the spores of the molds are blown in the entire building and home, effecting the health of the individuals, causing skin and respiratory problems. Additionally, mold can also be caused by leak pipes in the apartments or buildings that share walls. If such leakage happens, ensure to have the walls inspected so mold can't further damage the property.

Finally, if the mold infection is on a small level, often you can handle it on your own and clean it with a bleach solution. But if the infection is on a massive scale, it is important to hire a professional mold remediation service provider. Such professional are equipped with all necessary tools and gears required to clean mold, which includes a full face respirator, protective clothing and gloves. As a professional they will thoroughly asses the mold infection at your place, and will take the necessary steps to eradicate it.

The Flood Masters specialize in mold remediation service in Virginia, Washington DC, and Maryland. Get effective mold remediation service at affordable rates for commercial and residential spaces. For more information please visit at
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Bulgogi Brothers Alabang Town Center

Bulgogi Brothers in Alabang Town Center. Good stuff.

Unlimited Korean appetizers (seems customary in Korean culture) on the right; on the left, galbi tang or something like that (I once ate in this restaurant and ate this before watching The Great Gatsby and remembered calling the dish The Great Galbi. 

Beef is awesome. Tender as hell and the sauces are great. Freshly grilled meat is always awesome. Better to have lots of money though to get the prime meats. Above is their cheapest at around 400 pesos.

Every table has a text hotline where you can send comments and suggestions. I've gotten great feedback from there and appreciate the response.a
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