


How To Handle Kitchen Fires

By Diana Rodriguez, Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH
Kitchen fires can spring up quickly; do you know what to do first? Learn when to use a fire extinguisher, when to smother a fire, and when to call the fire department.

According to the most recent government statistics available, there are more than 150,000 kitchen fires in the United States yearly, with hundreds of people killed and thousands more injured. Cooking mishaps cause up to 90 percent of kitchen fires, and most of those are grease fires. Those frightening statistics lead up to one big question: Do you know what to do when a kitchen fire flares? Should you first reach for the fire extinguisher or for the phone to call the fire department?
Grease Fires in the Kitchen
Grease fires belong in a class by themselves and should not be handled like any other kitchen fire. Rule No. 1: Never pour water on a grease fire. The best way to handle a grease fire is to smother it, if possible, and let it die out. Follow these specifics:
  • Whenever you're cooking, have an oven mitt, a potholder, and a lid that fits your pan all on hand and ready to grab in case fire sparks.
  • If grease catches on fire in your cooking pan, quickly put on the oven mitt, then place the lid over the pan to smother the fire. Try to slide the lid over the flames as opposed to dropping the lid down from above.
  • Turn off the burner and leave the pan exactly where it is so that it can cool.
  • Never move the pan, never carry it outside or put it in the sink, and don't lift the lid until the pan has turned cool.
Oven, Microwave, and Electrical Fires
Fires can happen anywhere in the kitchen — near an electrical outlet, in the microwave, or in the stove. Here are some tips to help you know what to do in case of any of these kitchen fires:
  • Oven fires. Immediately close the oven door and turn it off. If the fire doesn’t go out right away, call the fire department. Have the oven inspected and repaired before you use it again.
  • Microwave fires. Close the microwave door and keep it closed. Turn the microwave off and unplug it if you can do so safely. Leave it closed and don't use it again until you can have the appliance checked out by a technician.
  • Electrical fires. Prevent electrical fires by not overloading your electrical outlets with appliances. If a fire starts, use a fire extinguisher; never douse it with water. Always call the fire department for an electrical fire, even if you have already put it out with the fire extinguisher.
Using a Fire Extinguisher on Kitchen Fire
Every kitchen should be equipped with a fire extinguisher. Get one that's labeled as safe to use on any kind of fire, and keep it within easy reach.
If a fire starts, you won't have time to stop and read the directions. Become familiar with these tips to understand how to use a fire extinguisher on a small kitchen fire:
  • First, remove the pin from the fire extinguisher — it won't work if you don't.
  • Point the extinguisher toward the base of the fire, not the top of the flames.
  • Holding it by the handle, press down on the lever on the fire extinguisher; just let go when you want to stop.
  • Spray horizontally back and forth across the fire until it's extinguished, remembering to aim low.
Baking soda is also an important ingredient in any kitchen, and not just for baking cookies. If a fire breaks out on an electric stovetop or if you don’t have anything available to smother a grease fire, grab a box of baking soda and pour it generously on the flames. Baking soda will help to extinguish a small fire, but you may need several boxes of it. Never use flour to put out a fire, as it can make the flames worse.
When to Call the Fire Department for a Kitchen Fire
So when should you call 911, and when should you try to fight a fire yourself? Never hesitate to call the fire department. But if it's a small, contained fire, you should follow the above tips to try to extinguish it while waiting for help to arrive.
You should also be sure to get your family out of the house, and if the flames rise and spread, you should get out, too. Kitchen fires that start small and can be quickly contained or extinguished are one thing, but roaring fires aren't something you should attempt to tackle. Remember safety first: Keep yourself and your family protected, and call for help.
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Servpro Of Fairfield

Tom talks about the objectives of Servpro of Fairfield. A leading fire, water and smoke damage restoration company. See more at
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Why Do You Need Mold Remediation?

Have you recently noticed that the walls in your house have developed black patches in the corners? Beware, because those spots or patches might be mold. Most people feel that mold is harmless as it is just a fungus and can't cause harm in any way. But this is assuredly not true.
The most common reason for mold to grow in your house is due to excess moisture or water damage. The air in your home will become contaminated as a major part of the mold is air borne. It can cause the following reactions:
* Itching
* Asthma attacks
* Allergies
* Skin rash
* Constantly watery eyes
* Gastrointestinal problems
* Nausea
* Headache
* Feeling numb in the hands and limbs
Can you imagine what will happen if you and your family members are constantly breathing in this air for days? If your house has an air duct system, the air inside the house is trapped from going outside. As time passes, the inhaling of impure air will have serious repercussions on your health. It is essential that you provide a clean and safe environment for the people living in your house, especially if there are small children.
If you have found dirty black patches manifesting itself on the walls of your home, you should call a mold remediation service without any further delay. These firms have qualified and trained inspectors on board who will visit your property and survey the extent of damage. It is very important to locate the source of the mold so that the issue can be addressed in the proper manner. This can only be done by a person who has several years of experience in the relevant field. The mold remediation team will then resort to the usage of various methods by which they will eliminate the fungus and stop the situation from recurring.

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The Importance of Regular Air Duct Cleaning

It is safe to say that nearly all of the time, most homeowners don't give their air ducts a single thought. After all, the air ducts aren't very visible in many homes (except for in some basements, perhaps). And, as long as the air ducts are doing their job reasonably well -- carrying cool air through the home in the summertime and distributing warm air during the winter--homeowners tend to ignore them.

This is not wise. Disregarding the air ducts in your home can lead to many problems-many of which could end up costing you a great deal of money in the long run. Regular cleaning of the air ducts can help homeowners to avoid several possible difficulties. Here are a number of reasons why it is important to have the air ducts in a home cleaned on a regular basis:

As air travels through the ducts, dirt and dust also travel through. This debris-which can include pieces of cotton lint, paper fibers, and other materials--accumulates in the junctures of two pieces of ductwork. This is a fire hazard, and only becomes more dangerous when homeowners fail to get regular cleanings.

The debris that accumulates in the air ducts over time can cause some ducts to become clogged, either fully or partially. When ductwork is clogged, it is much less efficient-and, therefore, uses a great deal more energy. This increases the homeowner's expenses for energy and is also not good for the environment.

When ductwork becomes clogged, the machinery will have to work harder in order to force the air through. This means that it is much more likely that machinery parts may begin to fail. The homeowner may have to replace parts like igniters, thermostats, or even motors far earlier than he would have if he had gotten regular air duct cleanings.

Ducts that are in need of cleaning make the home less comfortable to live in. This is because these ducts tend to hold in dampness during humid weather and hold in heat during cold weather (the debris absorbs any dampness or any heat and holds it).

If exterior vent outlets are not cleaned on a regular basis, it is likely that they will become popular entryways for insects, rodents, and birds. These insects and animals may even climb into the ductwork and die there, adding to the clogged debris.

People who suffer from allergies may find that their symptoms become worse as time goes on if their home's ductwork isn't regularly cleaned. This is because common allergens like dust mites and pollen gather in the congested ducts and are trapped there -- and then they are spread throughout the home via the air conditioning and/or the heat. Certain types of bacteria can thrive in ductwork as well, causing people to have issues with respiratory problems.

With all of these potential difficulties, the importance of regular air duct cleaning should be quite evident. Regular cleaning of the ductwork will help make for a healthy home.

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SERVPRO Wired Commercial

SERVPRO - "Like it never even happened" 
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Fire and Smoke Damage and Restoration

This article will tell you everything about fire and smoke damage and why you need a professional fire restoration service to return your home, business, and yes your life back to normal.
A fire in your home or business can be the scariest experience of your life. The damage caused by a fire is just as bad as flood damage.
Fires are classified into two groups. There are two types of fires. Simple fires and complex fires Simple fires are caused by pure fuels and result in complete combustion. Complex fires are the most common household and business fires. They are usually started by synthetic materials such as furniture, carpets, toys, wiring, cigarettes, etc. This kind of fire usually results in smoke and soot damage and odor.
Immediate response is needed in the following areas to get everything back to normal. Removal of soot and odors, Stabilizing and securing the structure, Minimize existing damage, packing of any content that's salvageable, cleaning, deodorizing, sanitizing, restoring your content and the structure, and also performing any structural repairs necessary.
Residual removal is also considered emergency services because soot is naturally acidic and the longer it stays, the more difficult it is to remove. The odor will remain until it is contained. Fixing damage that has been created after a fire requires knowledge and expertise in fire restoration services. Smoke and soot can damage other rooms affecting paint, carpets, upholstery, curtains, and other family or business belongings.
Whether it's a small heater disaster or a large heater disaster, you need to get your home, your business, and life back together again. Fire and smoke restoration, cleanup, and replacement is a complex and intricate process. It needs to be done by a professional fire and smoke restoration service. They can evaluate and determine the type of fire that has occurred and the damage that has been done. The professionals then know what type of cleanup, restoration, and replacement needs to take place. A professional fire and smoke restoration service will help you get peace of mind and your life back.

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Win the Battle Against Mold Growth With Professional Mold Remediation

There s nothing worse than going into your basement or crawlspace a few days after a major rainstorm or burst pipe and smelling that telltale musty smell or seeing gray-green spots spreading out from one corner of the ceiling. You have a mold problem. You might be tempted to break out the sponges and cleaning solution and tackle the problem yourself, but unfortunately, DIY removal is rarely 100% effective. If you don t get that mold dealt with by a professional mold remediation team and soon it s only going to get worse.
Mold growth indoors presents a danger to your building, your belongings, and your health. Breathing in spores has been shown to increase the risk of respiratory issues, allergies, headaches, and other more serious health conditions. Mold growth on walls and other surfaces deteriorates those materials, making them less durable. It also just looks ugly and makes the affected room unpleasant to be in.
It s best to bring in a mold testing and removal company as soon as you notice the signs of mold growth. Those signs include not only visible mold and the musty odor, but also water damage such as peeling wallpaper, warped wood, and water stains. Because it thrives in a damp, dark environment, any overly humid or recently flooded area is susceptible to mold growth, whether you see obvious signs of it or not.
The mold remediation process includes:
  • Mold testing: If you know or suspect that you re growing mold in your basement or in other areas of your building, expert testing is a must. The testing process will not only confirm the presence of mold, but also determine the seriousness of the outbreak, the areas that are contaminated, and the type of mold you re dealing with. All of those factors will affect the removal team s next steps.
  • Mold removal: Beating an outbreak means attempting to get rid of every last spore, because mold spreads and multiplies very quickly. Your customized mold removal process might include scraping or scrubbing visible mold from your building s surfaces; applying antifungal and antimicrobial agents to kill mold; filtering the air to get rid of airborne spores; and removing mold-covered surfaces that cannot be salvaged. Your mold specialist will not be satisfied until the outbreak is contained.
  • Mold prevention: Mold remediation is not done until you ve taken steps to resolve whatever water or humidity problem made the area a breeding ground for mold. Many mold removal companies also offer basement waterproofing and dehumidification services. By locating the source of a leak, installing proper drainage and ventilation systems, and taking steps to control humidity in the area, you can ensure that mold will be less likely to come back.
Dealing with mold is never fun. If the problem is widespread, resolving it can be costly. However, you can t afford to let mold thrive on your property. The structural soundness of your building and the health and safety of its occupants are on the line.

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For cake layers:
2 1/2 cups pecans (about 10 ounces)
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon fresh orange juice
4 large eggs
1 cup sugar
For filling:
1/2 cup well-chilled heavy cream
1 teaspoon finely grated fresh orange zest

For frosting:
6 ounces semisweet chocolate
1/2 cup sour cream

Preheat oven to 350°F. and butter two 8- by 2-inch round cake pans. Line each pan with a round of wax paper and butter paper.

Make cake layers:
In a food processor pulse 2 cups pecans with flour, salt, and baking powder until finely ground (do not pulse to a paste). Transfer mixture to a bowl and stir in orange juice. Separate eggs and in a large bowl with an electric mixer beat yolks until pale yellow. Gradually add sugar, beating until thick and pale, and fold in pecan mixture gently but thoroughly. In another bowl with cleaned beaters beat whites until they hold stiff peaks. Stir about one fourth whites into pecan mixture to lighten and fold in remaining whites gently but thoroughly.

Divide batter between cake pans and bake in middle of oven 25 minutes, or until cakes pull away from sides of pans. Cool cake layers in pans on a rack 10 minutes and invert onto rack to cool completely. Carefully remove wax paper from bottoms of cake layers.
While cake layers are cooling, on a baking sheet toast remaining 1/2 cup pecans until fragrant and a shade darker, about 8 minutes. Cool nuts and chop.

Make filling:
In a medium bowl with cleaned beaters beat cream with zest until it just holds stiff peaks.
Arrange 1 cake layer, top side up, on a serving plate and spread filling evenly onto layer. Put remaining layer, bottom side up, on filling.

Make frosting:
Chop chocolate. In a double boiler or a metal bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water melt chocolate, stirring until smooth. Remove chocolate from heat and stir in sour cream and a pinch salt until smooth.
Immediately spread frosting on top and side of torte and pat toasted pecans around side. Chill torte, loosely covered, until frosting is set, at least 1 hour, and up to 3 days.

Serve torte chilled or at room temperature.
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Servpro of Fairfield Welcomes Stacy Torres!

Servpro of Fairfield is excited to welcome Stacy Torres to the Servpro of Fairfield team.  Stacy has been in the restoration business for a total of six years.  She has a background in Real Estate and has an in depth understanding of the emergency restoration industry such as fire loss and water damage.

Stacy is the proud mom of two young boys and is active with her sons' school as a volunteer as well as cheering on her sons' athletic teams along with her husband of nine years, Mike. 

Stacy is very excited to be a part of the growing Servpro of Fairfield business and is very passionate about business development and providing outstanding customer service to all of our clients.  Please contact Stacy at:  707-756-0664.

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Free Admission: Vacaville Kid Fest, Sat Oct 6th, Andrews Park

Vacaville Kid Fest was started in 1999, when an idea was born to create a "Children's Festival", a place where families could come and have a day of activities with their children at very little or no cost, and also have the opportunity to learn about many of the services and resources that were available to children and families. We adopted the theme "For the Child in all of us".

A group of City of Vacaville representatives, ranging from business owners and managers, nonprofit groups and media people were approached with the idea and met it with enthusiasm. And thus, Kid Fest was born.

The first Kid Fest Core Committee consisted of Shauna Manina, Meaghan O'Neill from Vacaville Police Dept., Linnea Dischinger from Vacaville Fire Dept., Todd Grames and Suzanne Green from Community Services Dept., and Reggie Hubbard from Housing & Redevelopment Dept. Other business people from The Reporter, Downtown Vacaville Business Improvement District, and others all committed to the vision of a day of low cost or no cost activities, free resources, and fun.

Our first event in 1999 had 1 stage and 40 booths, with everything from food, crafters and merchandise vendors, a wide range of social service and community nonprofit groups, free children's games and entertainment, bounce houses, and a very strong focus on child safety and health. From the beginning, a large component of the event has been the presence of Vacaville Fire and Police Depts., with their equipment displays, children's fire muster, and safety information.

By 2001, there were 2 stages of entertainment and over 120 booths participating in the event. The committee members have changed over the years, but the event has continued, and become part of the fabric of what makes Vacaville a family oriented community. The focus remains on child and family safety and health.

See more about this wonderful organization at

See you there!
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The Bronson family gifted a loft bed (and bed setup help) to the Moore family for their daughter in their new Fairfield apartment. Thank You

Servpro of Fairfield endorses Mission Solano and their work in the local community.  This is just one example of how lives are changed with their help.  Please consider Mission Solano when looking to support the local non-profits that make a difference.
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