


Relay For Life

We are making a difference by teaming up to participate in the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life. At the event, our team will camp out overnight and take turns walking around the track to raise money and awareness to help the American Cancer Society create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. Saving lives from cancer starts one team, one participant, and one dollar at a time. Our team is doing our part to make sure that cancer never steals another year of anyone's life. Please join our team or make a donation. The impact we can make together is much greater than what any of us could do alone!

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10 Key Fire Safety Tips:

In 2007, the most recent year statistics are available, 1,557,500 fires were reported in the United States. These blazes caused 3,430 deaths and 17,675 civilian injuries while costing more than $14.6 billion in damage. Though some fires are unavoidable acts of nature or unpredictable accidents,many fires in the home and workplace are avoidable. The following tips, courtesy of the National Fire Protection Association, can help reduce the likelihood of a fire in your business or home
1.  Watch your cooking - Stay in the kitchen if you are frying, grilling or broiling food. Never allow young children around the stove or oven, especially if they are not closely attended.

2.  Give space heaters space - Keep space heaters at least three feet from anything that can burn.
3.  Smoke outside - If you must smoke inside, have a sturdy, deep ashtray. Never smoke in bed.

4.  Keep matches and lighters out of reach - Keep matches and lighters in high cabinets, preferably under a child lock.

5.  Inspect electrical cords - Replace cords that are cracked, damaged, have broken plugs or have loose connections.

6.  Be careful when using candles - Keep candles at least one foot from anything that can burn. Blow them out before you leave the room or go to sleep.

7.  Have a fire escape plan - Make a fire escape plan and practice it at least twice a year.

8.  Install smoke alarms - Install alarms on every level of your office or home and inside bedrooms. Interconnect them so they all sound at once.

9.  Test smoke alarms - Test alarms once per month. Replace batteries once per year or as needed.

10. Install sprinklers - Sprinklers can help maintain and sometimes even extinguish fires, giving your local fire department a better chance of saving your property.

The following are several tips that could potentially save your life or the life of a loved one should a fire break out in your home or business.

  • Install a smoke alarm on every level of your home.
  • Test smoke alarm batteries every month and change them at least once a year.
  • Consider installing a 10-year lithium battery-powered smoke alarm.
  • Practice finding your way out of the house with your eyes closed, crawling or staying low and feeling your way out of the house.
  • Remember to escape first, then notify the fire department.
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Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Special

10% off Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning for Residential or Commercial

Expries: 12/31/2012

SERVPRO of Fairfield


Independently Owned and Operated
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Within one hour from notice
of loss, a SERVPRO Franchise
Professional will contact you
to arrange for service.

Within four hours of loss
notification, a SERVPRO Franchise Professional will be on-site to start mitigation services (if necessary).

Within eight business hours,
a verbal briefing of the scope will be communicated to the appropriate person by a SERVPRO Franchise Professional.

*Exceptions may apply under certain conditions, such as a local catastrophic event or storm situation.
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HEPA Filters for Allergies

Think of air pollution and you may think of gas-guzzling cars emitting harmful fumes or smokestacks on factories sending gray clouds into the sky. But indoor air pollution can be a problem, too. Dust mites, mold spores, pollen, and pet dander in the air inside your home can cause problems if your family has allergies or asthma. Using HEPA filters can trap these pollutants and may help bring allergy relief.

How HEPA Filters Work
HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air. A HEPA filter is a type of mechanical air filter; it works by forcing air through a fine mesh that traps harmful particles such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and tobacco smoke.

HEPA filters were invented during World War II to keep radioactive particles from escaping from laboratories. To qualify as a HEPA filter, it must capture at least 99.97% of all particles as small as 0.3 microns in diameter. A micron is one-thousandth of a millimeter. A particle measuring 0.3 microns would have to be enlarged 150 times to be seen with the naked eye.

For more information please see website:
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Hapadog vs Ministop Bicol Express — the only two things I ate yesterday

So I went to the Taking Back Sunday concert yesterday. I'll actually be blogging so many things about it soon including my thoughts on Typecast, the super awesome performance of TBS, and the disadvantages of being in front sound-wise. But that might be long and I'll do it as soon as I'm not lazy. I figured I'll start with something light and talk about the food I ate yesterday. Hapadog (the "japanese style" hotdogs) and Ministop's Bicol express are the only two things I ate, actually, and everything else I consumed was just alcohol. I don't really have pictures so you have to use your imagination for this one.

Hapadog has always been intriguing. A bunch of friends have been giving me testimonials about how good it is. I've seen it before in Mercato and more recently in the newest building of Alabang Town Center. And so I was drinking with my friends as we were waiting for our tickets from Cash Cash Pinoy to arrive. The place we drank in was right across the Hapadog place so I figured I'll try it out cos I've never tried it anyway. I got this one called temptation or something like that for 175 pesos. It was a tempura hotdog of some sort. It was actually pretty good. I just think it's so overpriced.

This is where the "willingness to pay" of the consumer or the difference between worth and cost comes into play. I mean, I would have willingly and wholeheartedly paid around the same price and got Bon Chon chicken wings instead. For Hapadog, it tastes good, but I personally just didn't find it worth the cost. This is my own personal preference. I haven't tried anything else from their menu but then the first impression wasn't really that good. We actually saw John Nolan walking around in the same area and we got a photo with him. Again, something I'll post when I write about TBS in Manila as soon as I'm not lazy.

After that, we decided to drink some more and have some Slurpee rum while on the line, a technique I learned from a friend. Not only is your drinking concealed, the taste of the alcohol is also masked by the sweetness and coldness of the Slurpee. It's actually really good.

Then after the amazing performance, we were so tired that we decided to head back south. We were supposed to drink with a bunch of friends but then we were so tired and so we just decided to eat in Ministop.

My friend recommended the Bicol express. I do trust his recommendation because I learned about Ministop chicken from him (this was the time when I didn't even have Ministop outside my village yet). Not only does he eat in Ministop all the time, we actually almost got banned from one. It's a long story and we really didn't do anything wrong. It was just a manager having a bad day, I guess.

I love spicy food and I love coconut milk. That being said, obviously I love Bicol express. I actually hate it that in our region in Asia, our cuisine has the least spicy recipes, Bicol being one of the only regions that actually love spicy food.

I've always been wary of the rice toppings they sold in paper cups. I mean, it's only 49 pesos so I do expect that the serving will be very small. Surprisingly, it was a full cup of rice with a lot of sauce and meat. I don't know if this varies per branch, but the one outside my village is very generous with the Bicol express servings. Although it won't really fill me up, I could probably have two orders or get something else like fried chicken or any of their other rice topping meals. For a fraction of the price, I felt that I was more satisfied with the Bicol express. But of course, I was aslo tired and hungry. And they do say that hunger is the best sauce.

I'm actually resisting the urge to go to Ministop right now and get one.

Check out my other blogs:
1. HarryLeaks
2. My HubPages
3. Man Vs Himself
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1. Money savings
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that removing as little as .4 inches of dust from cooling system coils will reduce energy consumption up to 21 percent. This can save you considerable money on your utility bill.

2. System life
It is estimated that nearly nine out of ten central heating and air conditioning systems fail or breakdown because they were not maintained properly. Replacement parts for an HVAC system can be very expensive and total replacement can cost thousands.

3. Indoor air quality
Many consider air duct cleaning vital to maintaining healthy indoor air. Dust, allergens (pollen, pet dander) and toxins (mold, mildew, rodent droppings) are commonly found in air ducts. If air ducts are not cleaned regularly these particles can be released into your home. Even if family members do not suffer from allergies the particles can cause severe respiratory problems, among other things.

4. Health
If family members suffer from allergies or asthma, air duct cleaning may be necessary to provide a safe haven. Air duct cleaning can drastically reduce the amount of allergens (dust, dirt, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, insect and rodent droppings) in the air of a home.

5. Smell
Dust, mold and bacteria in an air duct system will create a musty smell in a home that no amount of air fresheners or candles can eliminate. Regular air duct cleaning can eliminate this problem almost entirely.

For more information please see below:

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Happy Easter

SERVPRO of Fairfield Would Like to Wish  

Everyone a Happy Easter! 

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Harry's Ultimate Easter Sunday Apollo 13 Style Shiitake Beef Burger

I live in a household that really practices the holy week traditions. All meats, for instance, just randomly disappear come Holy Thursday. They vanish into thin air. It's like meat rapture, really.

Shiitake Happens

If the only tool you have is a hammer then treat everything as if it is a nail. I've been overusing that line a lot, really. I think it was Maslow who said that. That's where I got the idea of Apollo 13 style because most of the ingredients I use for this recipe are used not by choice but by chance. I work with what I have. I feel that this forces me to be creative and imaginative; unafraid to go against conventions and try new things. It's like what they say: Shiitake happens.

Thaw Something

Luckily, it's after midnight, sleep arm in arm in the stairwell. Just kidding, but yeah, so technically it's Easter Sunday and the tomb's supposedly empty by now so of course meat miraculously appears in my freezer. Such a magical place, this house I live in. And since S&R is always sponsoring your resident blogger with free taste of random food, they get that product placement on the photo above. 


Google results suggest that I can actually eat shiitake alone even without the meat but then what's the point in that. Randomly finding bread, I knew it was going to be a sandwich of some sort. Beef sounds perfect with shiitake. 

Sesame Oil and Worcestershire Sauce

And so I go back to this burger recipe I had from a long time ago. Sort of like Asian meets English concept that, again, is merely brought to me by coincidence and not by choice. 


I dip the shiitake in water to make it just the right ammount of soggy before frying it in olive oil (I actually prefer canola oil but I couldn't find it). I then fry the beef patties I made on the same oil I cooked the shiitake in. Shiitake mushrooms really have such a powerful and influential taste.

Japanese Mayonnaise

And since I'm already sort of going for this oriental flavor of sorts, it would be heresy if I didn't put Japanese mayonnaise. I don't even think of Japanese mayo as a condiment but more of a main ingredient, really. And so I generously bathe my sandwiches with what I consider to be one of the greatest contributions of Japanese culture to humanity.

Harry's Ultimate Easter Sunday Apollo 13 Style Shiitake Beef Burger

I actually miss my DSLR. My pictures would be so much more awesome if I could use my prime lenses. I've actually just been using my Samsung Galaxy Y and the camera does the job but of course I know how photo quality can impact a food blog such as this one.

The burger was great. Long live cows and their byproducts. There's actually quite a bit of shiitake mushrooms here so I'm thinking of making more stuff with it so be sure to watch out for that. Follow me on my Twitter to get updated on my latest blog posts. For now, you can listen to me mess around with the vocoder in my cover of Daft Punk's Something About Us:

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What Is That Smell?

You smell it... a foul stench that permeates the air and chokes the oxygen from you as you struggle to breathe without holding your nose but you cannot find the source of the stench. You have searched everywhere you can think to look but the smell persists and you wonder aloud if it is actually worsening. You know it can't have anything to do with your recent water damage as you called the best carpet cleaner in the phone book - the "family" owned operation with the big ad - and you were there when they removed the water. They gave you full disclosure concerning a "little" dampness and even added a pleasant smelling chemical as you are a wonderful customer. So, then, what is that smell?

That smell can be any number of maladies ranging from decomposition of hidden organic materials through the silent yet continual destruction of your walls through mold. Such maladies omit a foul and offensive odor and each could have been avoided or abated by using a professional water damage restoration company.

The carpet cleaner was introduced herein as a generic but realistic scenario as this scenario plays out on a daily basis. Most victims of water damage severely underestimate the scope of work that is required to indemnify the situation while simultaneously fearing the perceived cost to fix the situation. While the carpet cleaner is working to the best of the cleaner's ability, a carpet cleaning company is NOT a professional restoration company and is ill equipped, at best, to address the bevy of tasks required to properly remediate the water damage despite its best effort and honorable intention. Additionally, most carpet cleaners are paid from the pocket of the victim whereas a professional water damage restoration company can handle the entire restoration project thereby restoring the scenario to it preloss condition with, in many cases, little to no out of pocket money from the water damage victim as the water damage restoration company bills the water damage victim's insurance company for its service.

So rather than argue to defend the integrity of that nice man from the carpet cleaning company and wondering what that smell is, hire that nice man from that professional restoration company and enjoy your restored asset without smell and without the risk of future problems stemming from an underestimation of the damage the water caused initially. Better yet, tell your family and friends how that nice man from the restoration company was able to complete ALL of the work without taking money from your pocket and how happy you are with the work! They need to know.

Article Source:
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Magnum Ice Cream and The Emperor's New Clothes

I don't think I'm in any position to write about Selecta's Magnum ice cream. I haven't tried it (although I want to) and I'm not really much of a sweets or desserts person. It's just that I've been seeing it wherever I go. It's trending both online and in real life. The fact that it's trending, I'm sure many would want to know my take on it.

magnum ice cream philippines
Selecta Magnum Ice Cream Philippines

My friend says that it's much like Häagen-Dazs (which I wouldn't know either cause I haven't really tried that out either). I guess it's always a good thing when our products are globally competitive. I mean, we can surely import this if that is the case. And we should always patronize our very own local products if they truly are satisfying and if the price is right. This helps create jobs here and improves our economy.

emperor's new clothes book cover
The Emperor's New Clothes

You gotta give credit to the marketing of this product. I mean, we don't really know if it's trending solely because it went viral on its own or because it's really planned. Like its scarcity for instance: how do we know they're not just hoarding or holding out on production to make it seem like there is scarcity and high demand. How do we know we're not patronizing blindly?

Let's never forget the lessons from The Emperor's New Clothes of what propaganda and marketing can do. If the emperor is naked, we must stand up and not be afraid to speak out. We can't just always jump on the bandwagon for if this is the case then it'll only distort market indicators, create a bubble that will eventually burst, and inevitably make our economy worse.

But that's just me, you know. Me and my weird love for paranoid conspiracy theories of connecting things that almost have no connections. It's undeniable that I am quite convincing at times. I don't know. It's just ice cream. I'm tired and weary. I'm sleepless.

It's good I got some pancit canton from this nearby sari-sari store on my way home. It's surely comfort food. But that Magnum ice cream thing, where do I get it? I heard it's like 50 pesos or something like that? What do you think of it?

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2. I'm looking for a job!
3. Filipino Food that Foreigners Consider Disgusting
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